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Side roll irrigation machine

Side roll irrigation machine

it is a kind of large semi-automatic irrigation equipment, which is composed of driving cart, water suction pipe, sprinkler head, and its applicator, automatic drain valve and wind proof support rod. Suitable for different water source conditions, with strong climbing ability, and according to the situation of the field, it can be assembled to use the long unit and short unit, is relatively well-developed sprinkler irrigation equipment.

Structural features

1. The whole water delivery pipe moves in a rolling way with short working time;

2, hydraulic motor transmission power, infinitely variable speed with strong  field walking ability

3, use a handle to complete all operations by simple operation;

4. After the water source  cut off, the pipe joint and the patented drain valve will automatically drain water at the same time, so  the drainage speed is fast;







移動管道直徑 125mm
鋁合金管壁厚 1.8-2.1mm
單臺機組灌溉面積 450-1200畝
水壓 0.3-0.5MPa
系統水量 75-120噸/小時
中央驅動車發動機功率 6馬力-8馬力
鋼圈直徑 1980mm
單噴頭流量 3-5噸/小時
噴頭材質 全銅
鋁合金管壁厚 1.8-2.1mm
離地高度 1m
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