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Liquid organic fertilizer tanker

Liquid organic fertilizer tanker

Working principle:

it is a new kind of efficient agricultural equipment, which takes the tractor as the power, arranges the spraying hoses side by side, forms the spraying bracket in the shape of a comb (it can also be equipped with a deep pine fertilizer plough), and distributes the liquid fertilizer stored in the tank directly to the soil by the vacuum pump.

Product advantage:

it has the characteristics of well- distribution with reducing evaporation of fertilizer, retaining fertility and avoiding soiling crops.

Fertilizer ploughshares: cantilever throwing fertilizer truss, directional self-flow fertilization device, self-flow fertilization device (the above is applicable to soil surface fertilization), knife plate fertilization plow (applicable to soil topdressing and bottom fertilizer), deep pine fertilization plow (applicable to soil bottom fertilizer).

cantilever throwing fertilizer truss

directional self-flow fertilization device

self-flow fertilization device

knife plate fertilization plow

deep pine fertilization plow

Liquid organic fertilizer tanker


Parameter table of liquid organic fertilizer tanker

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